Severn comes included with a number of shortcodes to make accessing theme features easier when creating your blog posts.
Severn includes a number of shortcodes which can be inserted into post and pages to enhance your content. These shortcodes are easily accessed via a post editor. Further information on shortcodes and their usage can be found in the provided documentation.
Progress Bar
The Progress Bar shortcode can be used to show the current status of a task. Below is an example this shortcode in use.
This shortcode includes a customization options for the accent color, label and status percentage. Any number of Percentage Bars can be added in series or by itself.
The Progress Bar shortcode can be used to display secondary content which can be shown or hidden via user input. Below is an example this shortcode in use.
Example Title
Example Title
Example Title (Open Default)
This shortcode includes a customization options for the title and its default state (open or closed). Any number of Accordions can be added in series or by itself.
The Button shortcode can be used to display call to action type buttons. Below is an example this shortcode in use.
Standard Large Extra LargeThese buttons can be set to three different sizes of Standard, Large, and Extra Large. They can also contain a FontAwesome icon as demonstrated below.
Label Label LabelAs well as inline, these buttons can be set to block or centered. A centered button is idle for CTA (Call-to-Action) uses. A button link can also be set to open within a new tab, opposed to the active tab. Below is an example of a centered button.
Center ButtonThis shortcode includes a customization options for the label, icons, accent color, size, and button style (rounded corners etc.). Any number of Buttons can be added in series or by itself.
Status Message
The Status Message shortcode can be used to display notifications. Below is an example this shortcode in use.
This shortcode includes a customization options for the title, associated icon, and notification style (Error, Success, Info etc). Any number of Status Messages can be added in series or by itself.
The Annotation shortcode can be used to annotate text to images, text, tables, and other content types. Below is an example this shortcode in use.

Annotation Title
Annotation Text
This shortcode includes a customization options for the title, and annotation message. Any number of Status Messages can be added in series or by itself.
Block & Pull Quote
The Block Quote and Pull Quote shortcodes can be for easy access to quote formatting. Below is an example of these shortcodes in use with some dummy contents.
I don’t believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.
— Ken Venturi
Suspendisse euismod diam sit amet nisi faucibus fringilla. Integer fermentum arcu nec mi venenatis volutpat. Donec nec tristique justo. Phasellus iaculis eu metus at bibendum. Aliquam nec ipsum viverra, laoreet augue id, vehicula ipsum. Praesent iaculis pellentesque accumsan. Cras ac turpis accumsan, cursus velit et, eleifend erat. Phasellus mollis, risus non bibendum consequat, ante quam tincidunt magna, a scelerisque lacus tellus quis lorem.
I don’t believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. — Ken VenturiIn a lectus nec libero mattis mollis in vel velit. Sed placerat, lacus quis facilisis feugiat, orci neque convallis tortor, feugiat sollicitudin velit ante eget felis. Mauris consequat suscipit eros, eu suscipit odio convallis a. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam fringilla diam id nisi pellentesque, ac efficitur ipsum porta. Maecenas tempor magna velit, quis aliquam orci dignissim fringilla. Aenean aliquet ultricies interdum. Praesent sodales, purus ultricies sollicitudin iaculis, lorem diam rutrum dolor, eget mollis libero nisi at arcu.
The Columns shortcode can be used to split the single contents column into multiple columns. Below is an example this shortcode in use.
Two Columns
Four Columns
Six Columns
The Tabs shortcode can be used to display related secondary content into tabbed containers. Below is an example this shortcode in use.
This shortcode includes a customization options for the title and its contents. Any number of Tabs can be added to a single container, and multiple containers can be used throughout the post or page.
Full Width Block
The Full Width shortcode can be used to display content with its width filling the availble space. Below is an example this shortcode in use.

This shortcode is primarily designed for images – but does provide support for other content types which would take advantage of the increased space.
Content Embeds
In addition to the included shortcodes, Severn fully supports the WordPress third-party service embeds, such as Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook etc. More information on these embeds and their usage can be found within the WordPress documentation.